Other Ways to Donate
As well as online giving, Blackfriars can also receive your donation in several other ways.
Regular giving
A recurring monthly gift of £10, £20, £50 – or an amount of your choice – lets you make a considerable contribution to Blackfriars over time.
DOWNLOAD A STANDING ORDER FORM Set up Regular Card Payments online Request account details
Bank Transfer
If you use online or phone banking and would like to transfer a donation to our account, click the button below to request account details.
A one-off gift can easily be made by cheque. Could you give £50? £250? £1000? Or more? Just download this Donation Form and send it to us by post with your cheque or postal order (payable to ‘The Dominican Council’), to Development Office, Blackfriars, St Giles, Oxford. OX1 3LY.
Please remember to state which part of our mission you wish to support.
Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer, you can boost the value of your donations by 25% at no extra cost to you.
- Choose the Gift Aid option when you donate online
- Ask the friars about Gift Aid envelopes (see below)
- Make an online Gift Aid declaration for previous donations
Gift Aid Envelopes
If you prefer to support Blackfriars Priory with cash donations and are a UK taxpayer, please contact the Priory Bursar to arrange Gift Aid Envelopes. By using these envelopes, Blackfriars can claim back from the taxman an additional 25p for every £1.00 you give.
Legacy giving
When providing for the needs of family and friends in your Will, do please also consider a bequest to the friars. Legacies have the biggest strategic impact on our mission, helping us to make big steps forward in sustaining and advancing our work.
US Donors
Tax-deductible gifts to Blackfriars Hall, as a private hall within Oxford University, can be made via Oxford University’s North American Office. Just select ‘Blackfriars Hall’ from the drop-down list.
If you would like your gift applied to a specific fund (e.g. scholarships), just email us at development@english.op.org.
Other methods
If you would like to give by other means, such as bank transfer, please get in touch by email development@english.op.org or phone 01865 610208.