Poverty in Britain Group
Blackfriars Poverty in Britain Group was set up in Summer 2014 by a group of people who attend the Sunday 9.30 family Mass at Blackfriars, Oxford.
Our aim is to raise awareness of the problem of poverty and inequality in Oxford, its surrounding communities, and the UK more widely, and to take action in a range of ways to improve the situation.
The 9.30 Mass has for a number of years collected food for Oxford’s Community Emergency Foodbank, and supported the Gatehouse Drop-in Centre for the homeless and poorly housed in Oxford. The Poverty in Britain Group seeks to gather together and supplement these activities, and to keep issues of poverty and the people who struggle with it in our minds and prayers throughout the year.
What we do
We organise termly speakers from Oxford and beyond to talk after Mass about specific aspects of poverty and inequality.
Our first speaker, in September 2014, was Jane Benyon, Founder of the Community Emergency Foodbank.
More information
For more information, please click here.