Aquinas Group
The Aquinas Group offers young adults an opportunity to enrich their spiritual and intellectual lives by studying the writings of St Thomas Aquinas.
We meet on Mondays in term at 7pm. We begin with a light meal, then read and discuss the texts guided by one of the friars, before finishing by praying Compline (night prayer) together in the priory church. This term we will look at the topic of Christology – the study of Jesus Christ, the incarnate Word, who is true God and true man.
The foundational and perhaps most outrageous claim of Christianity is that God chose to take on human flesh, born from the womb of a virgin in a stable at Bethlehem. How can God, the creator of all that is, become a created human being? Was Jesus really God? Or, we might ask, was Jesus really human? And how does the Incarnation save us? Join us this term as we explore these questions with the help of Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae. We will begin with a couple of introductory sessions, looking at the Christology of the New Testament and the patristics, before turning to St Thomas.
Each session will begin with a talk, followed by time for questions and discussion. No prior knowledge or familiarity with St Thomas is expected. If you would like to attend, please email to register your interest.
For more information please contact one of the friars below.