Blackfriars takes very seriously the protection of children and vulnerable adults from harm. Our safeguarding policies are set out below. If you have any concerns or matters you wish to discuss in confidence, please contact
- Safeguarding Officer for the Province: Fr Nicholas Crowe OP
- The Religious Life Safeguarding Service (RLSS), for any safeguarding issues regarding friars, or any other concerns relating to Blackfriars Priory.
Blackfriars Priory Safeguarding Policy
The Safeguarding Policy of our Province is the policy of the Catholic Church in England and Wales (see ).
Further to that, there is a local policy specific to this priory, including areas where children may or may not go, and what is to be done if there is an issue, etc. There is also a lay Safeguarding representative(s). Any issues with brothers are dealt with by the RLSS (see above).
Blackfriars Hall and Studium Safeguarding Policy
- The Moderators shall appoint from among themselves a Safeguarding Lead.
- The Moderators shall appoint from among the Fellows and Lecturers of the Hall one or more Designated Safeguarding Officers.
- The Safeguarding Lead and Officer(s) shall receive appropriate training, normally before taking up office.
- The names and contact details of the Safeguarding Leads and Officers shall be easily accessible to members of the Hall and Studium, including through the website.
- Attendance of children (aged under 18) at public lectures or other events shall be subject to the Safeguarding Policies of the English Province of the Order of Preachers and of Blackfriars Priory.
- Any further regulated events on Blackfriars Hall and Studium sites shall be only those which are held under the auspices of Blackfriars Priory and are subject to its Safeguarding Policy and that of the English Province of the Order of Preachers.
- Processes for dealing with suspicions or allegations of abuse are to be followed in accordance with the Safeguarding Policies of Blackfriars Priory and the English Province of the Order of Preachers.
- This Policy shall be reviewed by the Moderators annually.