Pentecost: a message from the Prior

26th May 2023

Pentecost is the patronal feast of Blackfriars, the Priory of the Holy Spirit.

On this day, the brethren give thanks for those – both friars and friends of the Dominican Order – who by their love of God, vision, and hard work turned the dream of a Dominican community here in Oxford into a reality.

The brethren give thanks for the friars and friends of the community who by their dedication and commitment sustained that vision across the decades and developed a mission here at Blackfriars that is now international in its scope.

Finally, the brethren give thanks for all those who support the life and mission of Blackfriars today,  be it through a gift of prayers and friendship,  or by a sharing of talents, time and resources. We say thank you in particular to our doorkeepers, a group of volunteers who look after the front door of the Priory and offer a warm welcome to those seeking to make contact with the community. We are deeply grateful to all those who volunteer their time and energy for this crucial task.

The annual Doorkeeper’s Dinner, recommencing again after the pandemic years, is one small gesture by which we seek to express that gratitude, but our love and prayers remain with our doorkeepers throughout the year. Indeed, we pray this Pentecost for all our friends who work with us to proclaim the Good News here in Oxford.

May the Holy Spirit come upon us all in power, that our labours here at Blackfriars might bear fruit  long into the future.

Fr Nicholas Crowe OP, Prior