Fr Clifton Harris to speak on ministry to the poor in Jamaica
19th October 2023
Fr Clifton Harris OP is a Dominican Friar of the English Province who is based in Jamaica along with Fr Peter Hunter OP (formerly at Blackfriars, Oxford).
On Thursday, 2nd November 2023, Fr Clifton will speak at 7:30pm at Blackfriars, Oxford.
Fr Clifton’s work includes ministry to one of the most deprived and violent neighbourhoods in Jamaica, August Town, where deaths from gun crime are common, and where people struggle even to get enough food.
The Dominicans not only preach the gospel and provide the sacraments, but are actively involved in social assistance, organising food for the poor, and assisting financially and pastorally to aid students in completing their education.
Fr Clifton will speak of this ministry, under the title ‘Proclaim Good News to the Poor’, offering personal stories of how hope and goodness can overcome adversity.
The friars’ apostolic work in the Caribbean (Jamaica and Grenada) is supported by fundraising in Britain under the ‘St Martin’s Missions’ banner. Fr Clifton’s visit aims to spread awareness of this mission and assist this fundraising so as to ensure that the needs of the poor can be met.
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All welcome to attend, free admission.
Venue: the Aula, Blackfriars, St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LY
7:30pm, Thursday 2nd November 2023.